Problematic consumption of substances and video game use in spanish university students depending on sex and place of residence
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Alcohol, Tobacco, Video games, Gender, Place of Residence.Resumen
Aims: This study aims to identify the relationship between consumption of harmful substances and video games use with gender and place of residence in a sample of Spanish university students.
Methods: The research was conducted with a sample of 490 university students (M = 22.8 years; SD = 3.63). The main instruments used were the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (ftnd), the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), the Questionnaire of Experiences Related to Video Games (QERV) and the Questionnaire of Habits of Video games Consumption (QHVC).
Findings: The results show a relatively low tobacco consumption and video game use and a high alcohol consumption. With regards to gender, women hardly ever drink alcohol and play with video games less often than men. Participants’ place of residence influenced their habits regarding video games, but not regarding tobacco and alcohol consumption. Additionally, regression analyses identified that males were five times more likely to exhibit problematic video game use.
Conclusion: Spanish male students, who has grown-up with technology looming, is absorbed easily by new technologies such as social networks and video games. These habits and consumption of harmful substances can cause health problems which must be prevented and treated from educational stratum.
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