Preventing alcohol use among adolescents: Assessment of the "Alcohol-Free" programme
DOI: clave:
alcohol, adolescents, schoolResumen
Introduction: Alcohol use among adolescents is associated with serious health problems and with increased mortality. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the efficacy of the "Alcohol-free" programme in the prevention of alcohol consumption among adolescents. Methodology: A quasi-experimental study was conducted including an experimental group of 92 students and a control group of 77 students, who attended the 3rd cycle of basic education at Braga and Porto schools (Portugal). A self-report questionnaire was administered to both groups before and after the programme implementation. The programme was only administered to the experimental group. Results: The “Alcohol-Free” programme may have facilitated the prevention of early alcohol experimentation among adolescents who had never consumed alcohol. The programme may have also helped to reinforce the participants’ intention not to drink alcohol in the future and to prevent increasing drunkenness prevalence among the experimental group. No significant differences were found on the adolescents’ current alcohol consumption and on their knowledge regarding alcohol use. Conclusions: This study contributes to improve future school-based prevention programmes, which should include families, peers and the school community.
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